Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Thinking Assignment Essay

Secular Humanism regarding the question of origin, seems to lean toward the determination â€Å"that matter has always existed and given enough time and chance, the end result is what you see around you today.† (Weider, Gutierrez 64). There is a lack of evidence that God exists and man is viewed rather as a machine, having no control over their existence and once man’s life has come to an end, this machine ends (65). Humanists answer questions of identity by believing that, â€Å"mankind is a product of evolutionary forces† (66). Mankind is viewed as a more refined animal, however mankind is not of higher quality over the animal kingdom. The answers to the question of meaning or purpose is, at best, answered on the basis of his or her importance (68). It is up to him or her to give any true benefit to their life, by making an impact in their life (69). Through this, they are able to make a clear and confident impact in another human beings life. However, since â€Å"man is a machine and ultimately not in control of what happens, life cannot have any real value or significance.† (69). Morality and ethics asks what is morally and ethically right versus wrong and how a human being should live, then God must exist to deliver what is right and wrong (71). That being so, secular humanism does not believe in a God, and nor does He exist. Secular Humanists believe that there is no â€Å"absolute truth†, and relies heavily on the fact that â€Å"truth is dependent upon the individual or society and is subject to change† (71). Secular Humanism is not worried about the question of destiny. Once a human being has passed on, all that matters is what they did do on this earth and making a difference in another person’s life (73). The Biblical/Christian worldview, in comparison to secular humanism on the question of origin, is through theism. (65). Through God, and under one God, everything exists. While the secular humanist has no belief in God and man has no control much like a machine, theism believes â€Å"God is the first cause, the answer to why there is something rather than nothing† (65). The question of identity through secular humanism believes  mankind and the animal kingdom are of equal value, the Biblical/Christian worldview believes that mankind is above the animals, and we are responsible to take care of them (69). While secular humanists place man and his purpose through impacting others in their lives, the Biblical/Christian worldview believes our purpose is having a personal relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ (70). While secular humanists have no mutual agreement on the question of morality, and reject â€Å"the absolute truth†, and depends on our society, the Biblical/Christian worldview bases morality or ethics through â€Å"Special Revelation† (72). The need for redemption must take place as we were all born in sin, and we can only be saved through Jesus Christ (72). Mankind is not concerned with destiny, through a secular humanist belief. Whereas, the Biblical/Christian worldviews on destiny is â€Å"dependent upon a person’s choices and their personal relationship with God† (75). Works Cited Dr.Weider, Lew and Dr. Ben Gutierrez. Consider. 2013. Print.

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